You can search the latest and updated list of SBI IFSC code, MICR code, branch code, branch name, address, state, city, pin code and contact details of any State Bank of India branch from below given search.
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The IFSC code shown in the search is the latest IFSC code which was updated by SBI recently in November 2017. Around 1300 branches IFSC code was updated and we have the latest IFSC code of all the branches. There are around 26117 (Twenty-six thousand one hundred and eighteen) branches of State Bank of India (SBI) in India.

Search latest sbi ifsc code updated recently.
After SBI IFSC code change many websites that are showing the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) are wrong. We have recently updated our database to support these changes. The search bar given above can be used to get the codes you need.
At we try to provide the latest and most updated information that we can get, so you can trust us for the details we provide. We give details fetched directly from RBI so otherwise, RBI has made any mistake the is no chance that the data we provide can be wrong. As you know, the Reserve Bank of India controls the financial system of banks of India, the quality of data is almost perfect.
What is IFSC Code and For What it is Used?
The Full Form of IFSC Code is Indian Financial System Code Basically it is used for NEFT & RTGS money transfer .if you notice carefully you would find that this 11 digit number system is composed of alphanumeric entities (number & alphabets ). You can find this on your cheque leaf at the bottom line or printed on the first page of passbook written along with account number.
First 4 Digits represents the bank name Like SBIN For STATE BANK OF INDIA, UCBA for UCO BANK, BKDN for DENA BANK, ICIC for ICICI Bank and HDFC bank has HDFC so no confusion in it.
The FIFTH digit is left as 0 ( ZERO) for Further use ..IN every IFSC CODE it is zero โฆ
Last 6 Digits Represent The specific Branch of that Particular branch, it should be mentioned that two branches of a different bank can have same branch code (obviously last 6 digits).
So it is very clear that if you want to locate a particular branch of any particular bank, you have to first know the bank code then add 0 ( zero, not alphabet o, it’s numeric ) & in last add branch code .then only you will find the desired branch IFSC code with details.